No I didn't make them, but GingerMonkey was asking people to share shoe lovlieness with her and I felt obliged!!!!
The red ones are my latest purchase and I just want to wear them all the time. In fact I was most put out that on our recent trip to The Big Smoke. The Lovely (but sensible) Husband told me in no uncertain terms was I traipsing round London in them. I hate to admit he was quite possibly correct.
The smashing silver ones were my wedding shoes. They were very nearly as expensive as my dress!!! But I had to have them as I told myself. They're terribly practical I'll wear them all the time after the wedding. They will look great with evening wear or skinny jeans for pubbing/clubbing. Hmmm two toddlers later. Distinct lack of evening wear, pubbing/clubbing!!
The brown ones were a Christmas Present off The Lovely Husband. We had agreed to save funds and not buy each other presents and save the money for the children. Sadly (not) he saw me pining for these. Little face pressed up against the shop window. So my not so secret Santa saved me. Luckily I had also seen a pair of sunglasses that I knew he'd love so he got spoiled too.
like them all, but especially the top ones...mmmm
those are all VERY practical shoes. I think you should wear your wedding ones around the house, like slippers, with your PJs. Tres chic, methinks!!!
Oh very nice! You have tiddy feet, I think.
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