The best thing I ever made!!

The best thing I ever made!!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

At last something to show . . .

These are some things I made (fairly) recently.

I made a door plaque for two little fairy princesses and rehashed an old necklace clasp, beads from a bracelet and various other beads hanging around and made it into a wearable necklace. I'm really quite pleased with it.

I'm currently working on a knitted handbag. All I need to do now is sew it together and add a few embellishments. I'm also knitting away at a . . . . erm, well it will either be a little gift bag for jewellery or perhaps a lavender bag. As ever I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with it.

1 comment:

KittyKat said...

I've tagged you, see you can get it out of the way!!